Sunday, February 8, 2009


Yesterday my friends and I went to the Orchid Show here in Quito, which was at the Palace de Cristal (Glass Palace) on top of a hill in Quito. The whole area around the palace is a park, and yesterday was a beautiful sunny Quito morning, so we had a great view of the city. The orchid show is pretty popular, so we had to wait in line for 40 minutes just to get in, but it was worth it. Florists and greenhouses had set up displays of orchids, and they were absolutely amazing.They also were selling orchids and other orchid souvenirs, so I decided to make a purchase and try my hand at orchid-growing. Now I did not inherit my grandparents' green thumbs, but I was told by a fellow colleague that it's not as difficult as it seems. Here is my new challenge:I'll keep you posted on our progress.


gramsued said...

I have wanted to try my hand at orchid growing , but didn't think I would have any luck, so I'll see how you do with yours....want to see a progress report in a few weeks. Make sure they aren't detrimental to Tobeys health.