Sunday, February 1, 2009

i h(ate) football

Please note: The following opinions are strictly of the writer, and she is in no way, shape, or form attempting to force these opinions on other people or passing judgment on other people's opinions. This is to serve purely for rant purposes. Please bear with us.

I hate football.

There, I've said it. I HATE football. I do not get it, I do not understand it, and I do not see the enjoyment in watching it. And on this, the supreme day of football in the United States, I am coming clean.

Now, I used to attend the football games in high school, but that was only for the social aspect. I have also attended many Super Bowl parties in my past, usually for the food and the commercials. However, now as an adult, I no longer see the point in pretending to be a part of this culture that I do not understand. Living out of the US, I was sort-of hoping to escape this day. However, I log on to Facebook and see a million status messages about the game. I have even been invited to a Super Bowl party here in Quito. I feel as though I am being haunted by football.

Now, I understand that the majority of the US population loves this sport and considers it a high form of entertainment. I consider opera to be a high form of entertainment, but I'm not going to expect the majority of people to feel the same way about it as I do. I think I am asking for just once to not feel like an outsider on this hallowed day of football. I'll respect your feelings if you'll respect mine.

And if anyone wants to watch Die Zauberflöte this evening around 6:00, give me a call.