Thursday, October 23, 2008


Thank goodness it's Thursday (and tomorrow's Friday.) I'm tired, and I'm getting a little tired of dealing with spoiled brats who can't, rather, won't follow directions. Not all of them, but there are a select few in each class who have no qualms about questioning and even refusing to acknowledge my authority. I had my most difficult group today, and to give a little background, this group is so poorly behaved that I am no longer having them sing. They are working on group projects about the different time periods in music history, and so I had signed up to use the books section of the library for the second half of class today so that the students could do some research. (In our library, you can sign up for the books, the computers, or the novels.) Another teacher was signed up for the computers, but instead worked more with the books, and then another teacher brought in yet another class to work on the unused computers. Needless to say, it was total and utter chaos, and then I had a girl get very nasty with me when I told her for the third time to stay away from the other classes' tables. It was not worth the effort, and I almost told the students to return to the classroom, but I did not have the materials the students needed to continue to work on their projects. I left school feeling very frazzled and came home and ate two chocolates, and am now snuggling with my Tobey on the bed. Cats make everything better.

On the bright side, it hasn't rained for two days! Yay for sunshine!