Tuesday, October 7, 2008

short week

Not much new here--spent almost the entire weekend in bed feeling icky and tired. We have this Friday off from school here in Ecuador due to Dia del independencia de Guayaquil. Don't ask me what the independence is from; I just know that I am school-free that day. My friends and I decided to use the long weekend to travel to the coast, so we booked our plane tickets and Friday we will be in Montanita! I am very excited to get to someplace warm, but now I have to actually buy some warm-weather clothing--all I brought with me was spring/fall stuff. Shopping here is not easy nor fun, because all the clothing is imported and therefore expensive and usually poor-quality. I just need to find a couple of tanks and maybe a sundress that won't fall apart on me or cost me a fortune. Where's an Old Navy when you need it?