Saturday, August 2, 2008

goodbye warsaw

Things I'll miss...

  • sushi at Cerulean
  • the lakes
  • Penguin Point tenderloins
  • dinners at my aunt's
  • summer evenings at Spike's (especially Moxie nights)
  • my wonderful and dear friends who made the last few years fantastic and fun-filled. Without you all, I would have left long ago.
Things I will not miss:
  • Wal-mart. and seeing everyone you know (but don't want to see) and fighting the crowds on weekend afternoons and feeling like it's the only place to shop if you need more than grocery items.


Ethel Ringle said...

Things we'll miss about you...

Fashion advice
Stain removal guidance (I really hope you find Tequila in Ecuador, he's a fun guy!)
The bad name game-- you turtle :)
The "other" advice you give because you know how to deal with anything.