Friday, September 11, 2009

who turned off the lights?

Yesterday I came home to an apartment without electricity. I walked in the door and five minutes later the power went out. As this is not an uncommon occurrence here in Quito, I opened the door to the hallway to see if the hall lights were on. They were, and I could hear a television playing in another apartment. I went downstairs to report the outage to my doorman, and he handed me a slip of paper from the electric company stating that my service was disconnected due to lack of payment. I was outraged--the previous tenants in my apartment had failed to pay last month's bill, and then when the bill came this month, I missed it due to the fact that I was checking the wrong mailbox. Therefore, I ran like a madwoman up to the office for the electric company (after stopping by the atm in the mall) and stood in a line that wound outside of the building to pay my overdue bill. Then I went to the customer service office, took a number, and waited to speak to someone about reconnecting my service. The lady I spoke with assured me that someone would be by to reconnect me by 7 pm that night. However, at 7:30 I still had no service. I then called the number the lady had given me in case this happened--and I called multiple times just trying to figure out the stupid automated menu--and was told that the technicians did not work past 6 pm, so my service would be restored tomorrow. By now, I was in serious need of pizza and beer, so I went out to dinner with my friends and then came home to a dark house. I had enough hot water left in my tank to take a hot bath by candlelight and then went to bed with wet hair, hoping it would dry by morning. And I most certainly took my curling iron to school with me this morning and fixed my weird slept-on-wet hair in my classroom.