Friday, January 2, 2009

a milestone of sorts

This is the New Year's post I've been meaning to write, but I've been busy entertaining my dad and sister and having a great time.

Looking back on 2008, on both the grander and smaller scales, it's been quite a year:

  • I planned and executed a move to a foreign country.
  • I adapted to living in a foreign country, teaching in a new school, and getting around sans personal vehicle.
  • I survived what has basically been the first semester of teaching in a new school, and put on several successful concerts (and impressed my boss, not an easy feat.)
  • I can now converse in Spanish well enough to navigate my way through the city in normal daily life.
I typically don't make resolutions for the new year, and after thinking back on 2008, am not really sure that I can top the excitement level for that year. My hope for 2009 is to continue enjoying, exploring, and learning about this country; to work towards proficiency in Spanish; and to be so very thankful for all that I have and the opportunities and people in my life. We shall see what comes next!