Saturday, November 7, 2009

drought and blackout

It's really dry here. We should be well into rainy season by now, and yet we've basically had nothing but sunny, beautiful days with just a handful of rainy afternoons for the last 3+ months. While I enjoy the sunshine (it's a lot warmer when it's sunny,) the lack of water has begun to take it toll on life, especially on our electrical company. Beginning last week, the electrical company here in Quito instituted rolling blackouts--cutting off power to various parts of the city one sector at a time. Now everyone is checking the blackout schedule online and factoring that into their plans. We had a few blackouts at school this week that caused the administration to push back the due date for our end of partial grades, because people didn't have access to their computer gradebooks. As for me, I've been fortunate--my blackouts have only been during the day so far, and the next is scheduled for 11-3 on Monday, while I'll be at school. Until we receive a large amount of rain, this will probably be the new way of life.