Monday, November 9, 2009


I've been deliberating over how much of my current job search process I wanted to document/make public on my blog. You see, I have two theories:

  1. Keep it quiet and then you won't feel embarrassed when things don't pan out.
  2. Talk about it all the time and maybe Santa Claus will hear and you'll find it under your tree on Christmas morning.
(Clearly theory #2 hasn't worked in quite some time.)

However, I've come to the conclusion that a limited account of what's happening is not bad, and therefore I'm going to document it, withholding a few names and locations.

Within the last two weeks, a possible job in a fabulous South American school has come available. This school is one that I have never really considered, as it's extremely tough to get hired and positions are few and far-between. My radar had been tuned into Eastern Europe, and so I was planning on attending a job fair in February where the schools in those countries would be hiring. When this fabulous job came available, I thought I'd send in my material and then just arrange a meeting with them when our paths crossed at said job fair.

I happened to speak with a friend who also would give her right kidney to work at this fabulous South American school, and she actually met with the administrators at the school and was told that they planned on doing all of their hiring sooner than later--much sooner, as in a month from now. Suddenly everything changed, and I am now making plans to attend a much smaller, all South American fair in Atlanta within a month. I understand that this is crazy. I'm only going to interview with this fabulous school, who only has one position open in my area. However, if I don't go, I'm afraid I'll be haunted by the "what-ifs." So I'm taking this huge risk, if for no other reason than to be able to sleep peacefully at night, knowing that I went for it.


Mrs. Klink said...

so awesome!! let me know how it turns out!! i'm probably staying here for another year, getting some MYP training, and then getting out of dodge! there is an unbelievable venezuelan school and a chilean school on my short list, but i sort of have my sights set on southeast asia next. who knows?!