Tuesday, June 30, 2009

back in the USA

Tobey and I landed safely in Miami on Monday! Tobey survived his trip in cargo, and I managed to not have a nervous breakdown anywhere along the way. I was a bit concerned that they weren't going to let me out of the country: the day before my friend was turned away from emigration and had to make a quick trip home to retrieve her Ecuadorian residency card before they would allow her to leave the country. My card is lost, and so I went to the airport Sunday morning not knowing if they would let me out, and had therefore concocted a very long and detailed story that started with me stating that I had been robbed the night before (not true) and ending with me offering to pay a "fine" (bribe) for not having the card. Fortunately, the lady at emigration did not ask for my censo, and so I was able to fly.

Tomorrow we're off to Disney, so I'll be sure to post lots of pictures of Gabe and me in Mickey Mouse ears!


Leah said...

OMG I had no idea that you had lost your censo when I called you last June!!! Thank god you got a different emigration officer than me. :)