Monday, June 16, 2008


As I mentioned earlier, I am currently sorting through my clothing, trying to decide what to do with it all. I have three piles: Take, Sell, and Toss (aka give to Goodwill.) I cannot believe all of the stuff I have held onto for the last several years. I still have clothes from high school, and other clothes that I have not worn in years. Why did I ever think I needed all of this? I now believe what they say is true: you do wear 20% of your clothing 80% of the time.

Here are my three piles:

This looks all very neat and orderly, but let me assure you--it isn't. Here is another tub of items for my sale:

And I cannot even bring myself to post a picture of my bedroom--there are clothes everywhere. It looks like I'm sleeping in my closet. So the sorting continues...