Friday, April 25, 2008


Well this is it--the blog I am going to use to keep connected with everyone and document my upcoming adventures teaching and living in Ecuador. Even though I'm not going until August, I thought I would get this at least somewhat up-and-running, and post about the process of paring my life down to 100 lbs, getting a visa, and finding out the best way to travel with one certain grey cat on an airplane without either one of us losing our minds!

To explain a little more fully, I have recently taken a position teaching at a private school in Quito, Ecuador. I currently teach at a small public school in Indiana, so needless to say, I am moving to another world. I am going on my own, with just my cat (who is grey, hence the blog title) and whatever else I can get on the plane. ( 2 checked bags at 50 lbs or less=100 lbs of belongings. I probably own that in shoes alone!) I am excited and scared all at the same time, but I know that this is the right step for me at this point in my life. So, feel free to follow me on this journey as I relocate my life to a different city, country, continent, and hemisphere!


midwest princess said...

how wonderful and exciting! i will definitely check for updates, can't wait to hear about your adventures!